Brief Report on the December Board Meeting

The Board met Wednesday December 8, 2021 at 6:30 pm. This brief summary is to inform the congregation before the minutes are approved and posted.

Following a brief check-in with Board members, there was public time for congregants.  Officer and staff reports were reviewed and accepted.

We discussed the impact of rising COVID cases in our area on plans for Holiday services and other events over the next few weeks.  We discussed whether our congregation should continue to host pages on FaceBook, and decided to seek opinions from congregants.  Other topics of discussion included (1) recommendations on building status from the building reopening task force; (2) update from the developmental minister search committee and listening circles; (3) absentee voting; and (4) preparations for sponsoring Afghan refugee family(ies).

We then launched into a lively discussion of steps we plan to take to become a truly welcoming, inclusive and connected congregation.  We discussed reinvigorating our commitment to Black Lives Matter.  The last half hour was spent discussing Board Goals, which are to (1) Foster a healthy, inclusive culture; (2) Build a growing, thriving congregation; (3) Listen and learn from all voices in our congregation; (4) Nurture a culture of giving; and (5) Educate ourselves about effective governance.  While these goals are aspirational, each is accompanied by several specific, measurable, and realistic “to-do’s” that we will undertake, so as to make progress towards each goal.

You can find the full report of this meeting at this link once minutes are approved by the Board:

Our next UU C’ville board meeting will be Wednesday, January 26th, 2022, at 6:30. As always, all are welcome to join and share concerns or ideas that they’d like to lift up to the Board.