Blue Ridge Abortion Fund: Social Action Collection, February 2021

The Blue Ridge Abortion Fund and the Unitarian Universalists of Charlottesville share a powerful mutual commitment to ensuring people have the support they need to make decisions about their lives. Your commitment includes being at the source of this work in the 1990’s because of your belief in social justice and UU Principles such as “the right of conscience in society at large,” “the inherent worth and dignity of every person” and “justice, equity and compassion in human relations.”

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Last year, the Blue Ridge Abortion Fund, with the help of our supporters, provided financial and logistical support to over 1,200 people, and already this year, we know we’ll serve hundreds more. Nearly a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, patients are facing compounding complications, including depleted financial resources, difficulty securing transportation and childcare, and complex clinic protocols, including pre-procedure COVID testing and limitations on companions.

The Blue Ridge Abortion Fund has been reducing financial barriers for people accessing abortion care since 1989. Funding abortion is an act of radical care that affirms our belief that all community members should have the agency and the resources to make their own decisions about their bodies and their lives. Thank you for continued generous support of this work.

Board of Directors
Cindy Janechild, Caitlin Blunnie, Catherine Kane, Sydney Bufkin, Susan Evers, Alys Sink, Sara Sprague, Noah Strike | Tannis Fuller, Executive Director