Initiation of Bobbie Williams as a Recipient of the Edith Good Birthday Bouquet
Initiation March 30, 2024; 80th Birthday March 26, 2024
Sponsored by the Garden and Grounds Committee
Read about the Edith Good Birthday Bouquet Tradition
John Nolen led the meeting of the Garden and Grounds Committee. Members attending were Jude Bias, Burnie Davis, Ruth Douglas, Kay Frazier, and Walter Hoffman. Elizabeth Breeden was out of town.
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John Nolen acknowledged his appreciation of Bobbie’s extended work on the Grden and Grounds Committee, especially her devotion to identifying and planting native plants in our gardens. Walter Hoffman emphasized Bobbie’s work with columbines, which will be blooming soon. Jude Bias noted Bobbie’s work of setting up tables and handing out food at the Food Pantry meetings, as well as taking the cardboard boxes to the Recycling Center. Kay Frazier applauded Bobbie’s heroic efforts to trim the large vines on the back fences near the playground. She also appreciated Bobbie’s help when Kay’s family needed help. Ruth Douglas echoed Kay’s comment, noting her own appreciation of Bobbie’s support during Ruth’s own health problems.
Elizabeth Breeden sent the following note:
Bobbie Williams has been part of both Gardens and Grounds and the Food Pantry with me. She is a tireless, conscientious contributor to projects at church. She has helped with identifying invasive species and showed up to work on the grounds consistently, both by herself and as part of our work groups. At the Food Pantry she is our steady enumerator, taking inventory at the end of the food giveaway on Fridays. (Believe me, this is NOT an easy task.) Happy Birthday, Bobbbie!
Bobbie thanked everyone for the kind words, saying she just did what she could to help others. She referenced the Hawaiian term of “Ohana,” which means “nobody gets left behind or forgotten,” (Wikipedia) Such a nice UU concept for us all. The bouquet was then handed to Bobbie, photos were taken by Jude, and cupcakes were enjoyed by everyone.