Board Report 3/23

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville Board met on 3/23/22, with all members in attendance.

The Board’s three focus areas this week were reports on the pledge drive and the budget, a check-in about building reopening, and a preview of the next three months.

The 2022-2023 pledge drive is going strong, and the Board discussed several different methods for increasing revenue (rentals, fundraisers, etc.) in anticipation of a projected shortfall.

The reopening for the Sunday service on 3/20/22 went well, and the staff and congregation are tweaking operations to make things safer and run smoother; there is a need for volunteers to be greeters, ushers, hospitality and logistics team, etc.

In the next three months, the congregation will be very busy: there is an anticipated celebration that may dovetail with Easter to commemorate people’s significant life milestones over the past two years and a service on Memorial Day to honor those who have died. Our congregation will welcome several guest ministers in April and May, including Brenda Brown Grooms and Michael Cheuk. The congregation will also focus on being intentional in welcoming newcomers and managing our online interactions in a way that better expresses that sense of welcome.