Board President’s Report at the Annual Congregational Meeting, from Lorie Craddock

Good Afternoon. It is so good to be here at the first first TJMC Virtual Congregational Meeting. I am so happy to see everyone and am grateful for your patience and good humor as we conduct the business of our church.

Today I want to give everyone a chance to sit back and reflect on all that has happened in the preceding 12 months. It has been a wild ride since this Board was elected and in order to give some perspective on that, I want to present an abridged timeline for the 2019-20 church year. Fasten your seatbelt.

TJMC 2019-20 Year in Review

July 2019–membership 357
*Liberty Powers and Pam McIntire are appointed to the Board
*$24K deficit
*vote to change from two services to one
*schedule Board representatives to assist at church every Sunday following reports staff harassment related to our former minister’s departure
*Personnel Committee begins search for a DAF
*Black Lives Matter sign removed from sanctuary and hidden in church
*Task force to ordain DFD Leia is formed
*David Mellor begins discussion surrounding church name change
*Kay Frazier becomes Volunteer Coordinator

August 2019–membership 359
*$40K deficit
*Wendy Steeves, Office Administrator resigns
*Create Glenn Short Trust Committee
*begin discussion of hiring new minister for 2020-21

September 2019—membership 357
*Christina Riviera leaves TJMC and Sean Skally is hired as our new DAF
*Lorie and Treasurer Stan Walker first white board presentation
*unpledge donations top $37K and pledges go up $20.5K.

October 2019—membership 357
*Anonymous donor gives TJMC $40K sweetheart loan to cover the remaining budget deficit
*Danny Grey agrees to lead the pledge drive

November 2019—membership 357
*begins discussions to reconsider UN flag placement
*agree to continue with one service for the rest of the church year

December 2019—membership 363
*Extraordinary Possibilities is named as the theme for the pledge drive
*Board vote to proceed with Interim Minister Search

January 2020—membership 364
*PJs and Pancakes kicks off Pledge Drive
*the board holds a session with an outside expert on recovery and reconciliation
*Keith Kron from the UUA gives a sermon at church and answers questions about interim minister search
*Vote to send the issue of Leia’s ordination to the congregation for approval
*Creation of Interim Ministry Application Committee
*Rev. Alex McGee requests five month sabbatical

February 2020—membership 369
*DAF Sean personally replaces the faucets in the church kitchen sinks much to the delight of dishwashers past and present
*Two minute stories start to go up in the gallery
*Leia and Pam create a Ritual of Reconciliation which will be used at a future Sunday service
*Congregational Meeting is scheduled for March 29 to vote on Leia’s ordination

March 2020—membership 377
*Church buildings are closed due to COVID-19
*In a matter of days all Worship Services and meetings go online
*Sean trains dozens of people how to use Zoom
*a phone tree is created to check in with church elders or anyone who may need assistance during the pandemic
*Pledge Drive ends $81K short and phone calls are made to non-pledging members
*Interim ministry application is posted with the UUA
*Medical Advisory Team created
*PACEM and Soup Kitchen continue to use the church buildings to serve the community

April 2020—membership 377
*Pledge Drive closes at $43K short or $372K
*Spring auction becomes an online event
*DAF Sean applies for disaster relief loans
*Linda Olsen-Peebles is named as Interim Minister

May 2020—membership 377
* Ellie Ransom is hired to make videos for Sunday services
*$83,022 disaster loan comes through
*Alex’s sabbatical scheduled for January – May, 2021

June 2020—membership 375
*Ann’s Salamini’s final board meeting
*Name Change Task force formed and charged
*Scheduled our first virtual Congregational Meeting scheduled for July 12

We have had an incredible year and I am so grateful to the staff, the Board and our entire congregation for making this adventure possible. I look forward to the next 12 months and I believe this time of chaos and uncertainty is helping our church to grow and change in ways we could not have imagined a year ago. We will move forward with the support of a fabulous interim minister and when we finally return to the church campus and sanctuary, a whole new look awaits us courtesy of the Glenn Short Trust.

As president of this church, it is my joy and privilege to report that this congregation, this community, is hanging tough and ready for whatever comes. We are filled with energy and enthusiasm, patience, resilience and compassion, love, comfort and support. Our church is made for times like these. This is our moment to shine and I look forward to our best year yet.