The Board of Trustees met this past Wednesday evening on zoom.
We received some appreciation from our guests. First for Rev. Tim’s thoughtful sermons that cover large scopes of how other religious traditions tie in nicely with our Unitarian Universalist values. He was thanked for bringing his humility forward while demonstrating the ongoing search for meaning! Our democratic process in selecting our signage was also lifted in gratitude for the inclusiveness of accepting ideas brought forth by our members.
The Board received updates on the selection of task force members for Goals 1- Mission Statement and 3- Stewardship. It is with gratitude that we accepted the task force members that agreed to serve as liaisons to our congregation as we take on this great work in the coming months. Thoughtful discussion occurred surrounding the decision of making the sanctuary more comfortable during the service by closing the doors to the Rugby Road entrance and regulating the heat for comfort.
Rev. Leia brought up the multitude of activities that will be going on in the coming weeks leading up to the new year. There are many ways to give and receive for everyone in this once again very active community this holiday season. If you have ever considered assisting with our Religious Education, know that it is a rotational commitment on a team that affords volunteers times to be in the sanctuary too. It is an enriching experience for youth and volunteers.
Breck gave a demonstration of the proposed Signage in the front of the UUC’ville building, and we took a vote on updating it to read Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville. Kay presented the options for the HVAC for the Summit house and there was much thoughtful conversation surrounding the options. The board will soon decide on a company upon receiving some answers to questions that were posed.
Board minutes will be posted soon if you would like to read more detailed information.