Thank you Jimmy & Hayley!
- Rev Tim provided an update on the UUA General Assembly outcomes. The revisions to Article II were adopted by an 80% delegate vote in favor. To learn more about the process and the values adopted a the General Assembly visit: https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/article-ii-study-commission/final-proposed-revision-article-ii Also approved by a 92% vote was a Business Resolution offered by the UUA’s Board of Trustees entitled “Embracing Transgender, Nonbinary and Intersex People is a Fundamental Expression of UU Religious Values.” The resolution supports transgender, nonbinary, and intersex people.
- Update from the Glen Short Trust: Work is underway to replace the Edgewood Lane doors and to repair the Rugby Road doors. The Edgewood Lane entrance will have an accessible entrance. Please be aware that while construction is underway that the entrances and exits for the sanctuary and building will be impacted.
- A new Bookkeeper will join us in late July! Watch the newsletters for more details.
- We received a bequest of $133,000 from the estate of Jean Shepard and Bob Gross. This gracious gift will go towards the UUCville Endowment, bringing our Endowment to over $650,000. This is certainly a gift that will benefit future generations.
- The Board authorized use of up to $14,000 in Endowment funds to replace the Fire Alarm Panel. The project includes the cost of installing a new fire alarm panel, wireless phone lines, and one year of monitoring. The current equipment is not functioning and this is must do work.
- The Board appointed Jimmy Gorham to both the Stewardship Steering Committee and the Finance Committee.
- We said a fond and grateful goodbye to both Hayley Owens and Jimmy Gorham as they completed their terms on the Board. Their service, humor, insights, and goodwill are much appreciated! We welcomed new Board member Tammy Wilt! We all look forward to the new church year as Tammy and Syliva Semmelhack join the Board of Trustees.