Board Meeting Update & Video: March 24

Notes from the Board Meeting on Wednesday March 24, 2021.

  • Pledge Drive reports that with a week to go in the Drive, 155 households have pledged (incl. 24 new pledges!) of 410k. With the addition of matching funds, this totals 430,000$. Median pledges have increased ~17%! Special thanks to the tireless and incredible Pledge Drive team. This is great progress, but we’re not complete – please help finish with a kick! Please fill out your pledge form today.
  • The Building Use Task force will continue to be meeting to review opening protocols for the future, but currently wants to reiterate that the UUC Buildings continue to be CLOSED, in accordance w/ safety protocols, in alliance w/ UUA guidance, and as we follow our values of safety, justice, and inclusion. Consider reading more at:
  • This Spring, UUC has installed a security system on the building and grounds. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more information and guidance.
  • The Board reviewed processes and timelines for various Ministerial options after Rev. Linda’s agreement expires in 2022. The Board will continue its research and agreed to reconvene in a special work session and/or the April Board Meeting
  • The Board discussed an investigation to repaint and refresh the Jefferson Foyer, which would require disassembling the letters that run along the perimeter of the wall. In order to be respectful of the multiple issues related to the lettering related to process, cost, and its reflection of our identity, the Board decided to revisit at a later date.
  • The Board discussed issues related to requiring pledging in the future. It discussed our congregational past with the issue and the context of current and historical pledge data. The conversation covered a range of ways that the issue touches upon our covenant with each other, right relationship, culture, stewardship, justice, and inclusivity. No specific actions were taken or proposed.