April 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Report

The Board of Trustees met on April 26, 2023 via Zoom.

The Board of Trustees welcomed member Kirstin Firth to the meeting.  Kirstin has been a member since 2007. She is now enrolled at Meadville Lombard Theological School.  In September she will be doing a ministerial internship in Richmond, VA, and is requesting that as her home congregation, we sponsor her internship.  The Board voted unanimously in her favor.

We received updates on the status of our developmental goal 1 (Mission).  Cottage conversations are complete and the team has reviewed the minutes from those meetings.  From this information, they have developed several viable mission statements that will be presented to the congregation this coming Sunday after the service, with the goal of getting feedback and input from the congregation.  The Mission Statement will be voted on at the Annual Congregational Meeting.

We also received an update on Goal 3 (Stewardship).  Our pledge drive is complete and a big success! A follow-up debriefing for the committee is planned.  The Stewardship Steering Committee (SSC) is in the process of building files and trying to streamline all of the data collected. Other goals are to follow up with the information in Breeze to make sure it is all current and correct, keep the information intact, and bridge between the years. They are planning on doing a quick survey of pledgers to see what motivates someone to pledge.   The Board voted to approve the appointment of Ann Salamini to the Endowment Committee.

The Board received the budget for our next fiscal year.  Thanks to the Finance Committee, Personnel Committee, and the staff we were able to approve a balanced budget for submission to the Congregation at our Annual Meeting on June 4th, following the service.  On May 7th following the service Kay Frazier, Treasurer will give a budget presentation.  The Board voted to approve the appointment of Donna Redmond to the Finance Committee.

If you would like more information the Board minutes will be posted soon.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend the monthly meetings.