An Update on Rev. Leia’s Sabbatical

Rev. Leia will be away on a well-earned sabbatical from February 25 to August 25, 2024. Per her letter of agreement with our congregation, Rev. Leia earns one month of salaried sabbatical leave for each twelve months of service and is eligible to take up to six months of sabbatical leave every six years.  Rev. Leia’s previous sabbatical was in 2009-2010. Technically, she was due for a sabbatical in 2017 but has delayed taking one until now for a variety of reasons. Rev. Leia and the UUCville Board are grateful that things have come together so that Rev. Leia can step away for an intentional time of rest and renewal. She will return to us at the end of August ready to jump into the new church year with fresh energy and ideas!

We are happy to share that our congregation’s faith development program will be well supported while Rev. Leia is away with: 1) a reenergized Children & Youth Faith Development Committee, 2) our dedicated halftime RE Assistant, Caroline Heins and 3) a halftime Sabbatical Minister for Faith Development, Rev. Susan Karlson.

Members of the Children & Youth RE Committee include Terry Epp, Katharine Maus, Hillary Moorman, Maggie Record, Camille Thompson, and Katie Watts. If you are interested in joining the RE Committee, please contact Rev. Leia for more information. We would be delighted to have you join us. The committee will be helping manage the program and RE special events this winter/spring as well as planning for the 2024-2025 church school year. Caroline Heins will continue her weekly support of Sunday morning RE volunteers and programs as well as the Summer Sunday Coop program. We are pleased that Rev. Susan Karlson has agreed to serve as the halftime Sabbatical Minister of Faith Development. Rev. Susan is no stranger to UUCville. She has served our congregation in many capacities including as a frequent pulpit guest, an Adult Faith Development leader, and as a volunteer in our Children’s RE program. She will begin her tenure as Sabbatical Minister for Faith Development mid-February.

Undoubtedly, throughout Rev. Leia’s sabbatical there will be things she usually does that do not happen or that happen differently. This is to be expected and it is okay—perhaps even a good thing! Sabbatical time is an expansive time for both the religious professional who is away and for the congregation. It is time of learning, trying new things, letting things go, and letting things wait or rest. Rev. Tim will be here and ready to help with or handle any time-sensitive matters that arise during Rev. Leia’s absence.

Rev. Leia’s last Sunday before she leaves for sabbatical is February 18. Watch for more information about plans for a celebratory send-off for Rev. Leia that day. And please, do not hesitate to reach out to Rev. Leia with any questions or concerns you have about her upcoming sabbatical. She is happy to speak with you.