Rev. Tim Temerson

Rev. Tim Temerson is the UUCville Developmental Minister beginning his position August 2022. He has been a Unitarian Universalist minister for thirteen years. After graduating from seminary in 2009, Tim...

Rev. Leia Durland-Jones

Rev. Leia Durland-Jones serves as UU-Cville’s Minister of Faith Development.  A birthright UU, Leia grew up in the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Lubbock, Texas and has fond memories of...

Scott DeVeaux

Scott DeVeaux is a professor at the University of Virginia. His research covers jazz and contemporary American music. Among his publications are Jazz, co-written with critic Gary Giddins (W. W....

Sandra Schwartz

Sandra serves as UUCville’s part-time bookkeeper (works Tuesdays & Thursdays). With her expertise in financial management, Sandra oversees a wide range of fiscal responsibilities essential to the smooth operation of...

Carole McIvor

Carole McIvor is the part-time Office Assistant. She works Tuesday – Friday 10am-2pm. Carole worked with the library at Piedmont Virginia Community College, where she taught American Government for many...

Rachel Buckland

Rachel is the part-time Streaming Tech and Editor. She handles Sunday Services (zoom, sound, etc.) and video editing.

Steve Rogers

Steve works Tues, Wed, and Thurs  10-3. He brings a wealth of experience to UUCville. With a background spanning over 15 years as a building engineer and facilities manager, including...