Congregational Meeting September 15, 2019

There will be a very important Congregational Meeting in the TJMC-UU Sanctuary on September 15, 2019 following the Sunday Service. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Download meeting documents here

At this Congregational Meeting in addition to acknowledging and approving different reports and minutes, there are four major items on the attached agenda.

1. The congregation will vote to fill three vacated positions on the TJMC-UU Board of Trustees. Liberty Powers, Pam McIntire and Elizabeth Breeden were appointed by the Board a couple months ago to fill these vacancies for the interim period between Congregational Meetings. All three have accepted nominations to continue in the positions and you will find the slate of these candidates attached to this email.

2. The Board will honor the Glenn Short Sanctuary Capital Endowment Fund and present and thank the Committee that manages the Fund. Long-time member Glenn Short left a substantial amount of money to TJMC just over a year ago and we will raise a toast to his loving spirit and amazing generosity.

3. There will be a presentation by David Mellor about changing the name of our church. Following David’s presentation, there will be a congregational vote using the Public Witness process to decide if the congregation wishes to pursue further study of the name change. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A VOTE ON CHANGING THE NAME OF OUR CHURCH, it is a vote on whether or not to go into a period of study about changing the name of the church.

4. The Board will present the 2019-2020 TJMC-UU budget and the congregation will vote whether or not to accept the budget. A report from Stan Walker, the Treasurer, the line item budget, and graphs representing the program budget are all attached to this email. There will be budget information sessions in the Sanctuary on Sunday, September 8 from 12:30-2PM and Tuesday, September 10 from 6:30-8PM. Hard copies of the budget will be available at the Information Sessions and at the Congregational Meeting. It would, however, be most helpful if everyone could print their own copy plus one or two to share.

As stated in our Bylaws, only members who have formalized their membership by August 14, 2019 will be able to vote at the Congregational Meeting, but all should feel welcome to attend. Congregational Meetings are an important part of church life. It is one way the Board and the Congregation communicate with each other and we learn more about the health and well-being of our beloved community.

I sincerely hope each and every one of us is able to attend the meeting.

Childcare will be available, and a light lunch will be available for purchase beforehand. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of the Board of Trustees.

Thanks to all and see you at Church!

Lorie Craddock
President, TJMC-UU Board of Trustees