A Reminder From the Finance Committee Chair

Please let Cathey Polly, the pledge tracker, know what your pledge is for the upcoming year.

Whether you’re raising it, lowering it, or keeping it the same, we need to know as soon as possible. We need the most accurate information available in order to plan for the coming months. Many things are changing, and what we can afford will have a dramatic effect on the decisions we can make.

Cathey would prefer that you email her at catheypolly@yahoo.com with your name(s) and the amount of your pledge. You can also fill out one of the pledge forms from either the Church office or the Membership Committee table in the social hall this Sunday.

She has had reports that some of the changes made using the form on the website have not been received, so if you use that form, please be sure to click the “Submit” button.

We would like to have all the pledge information by Sunday, June 16, so we can start making concrete plans about moving forward.

Thank You

Stan Walker