Celebrate Purim

Celebrate the Jewish Festival of Purim
Sunday March 24 after both services!

The Gill family invites us to celebrate Purim or “The Feast of Lots” with them on Sunday March 24 during social hour after both services.

Purim carnivals and celebrations come from the celebration of Esther “unmasking” herself to save the Jews from Haman. The idea is that a minority living in a possibly hostile majority culture may survive and even thrive.

People are encouraged to wear costumes during the festival and many communities have a gift exchange. The carnivals tend to have various games for children with silly prizes.

We will celebrate at TJMC by wearing costumes to church (wear any kind of costume you like) and playing carnival games. The Gill family will provide hamantaschen, which are the traditional triangular cookies shaped to look like the antagonist, Haman’s, hat.