The Talk of TJMC – Is abstention an option?

The Talk of TJMC is intended to provide a forum for congregants to share their thoughts, opinions, reflections, musings, creative writings, and any other things y’all think we should be talking about.  This post is another opinion by long-time member Marlene Jones. 

Once again, we face a clear vote on the direction our congregation will take, in the form of voting on the revised budget presented by our Board. I hope everyone will get involved, do some research, and vote your conscience. Here are my thoughts.

I have attended two of the presentations of the Board’s current budget proposals. The Board will present a proposal based on a predicted deficit of just under $17K. If that is rejected, we will have the opportunity to vote on an alternate budget, which is listed as an zero deficit budget.  The alternate budget will only be voted on if the proposed budget is again rejected.

I advocate once again reject the proposed budget, which does not come close enough to meeting our financial realities. That’s clear to me. However,  I am struggling with the idea of abstaining instead of rejecting the alternate budget should the opportunity arise.

I will not vote in the affirmative for either budget because they continue the pattern financial mismanagement, with savings being depleted to pay expenses. The presentations made it clear that close to $100,000 in savings have already been depleted since FY15 and the plan is to start using a LOC (Line of credit) this FY. Using a LOC to deal with facilities emergencies is one thing, using it to current pay expenses is simply mismanagement.

However, rejecting both budget proposals would mean continuing under the FY18 budget, and I don’t have any expectation that the Board would come back in three months with a proposal that would meet my standards.

By abstaining I can register my disapproval of the Board’s financial management but still give the Board the opportunity to implement the recently announced stewardship program in hopes that the revenues raised will help lessen the continued financial losses.  Details on the stewardship program will be presented at the congregational meeting.

Whatever the outcome of the vote Sunday, the congregation needs to monitor the financials more closely in the upcoming Fiscal year.  I would like to see a congregational meeting scheduled for January to affirm the direction the board has taken. Any motion to adopt the alternate budget should include a commitment to return to the congregation for a affirmation vote in January.

As in my previous post, I will finish with a several of thoughts:

First, if you have outstanding pledge amounts, pay them.  A pledge is a promise, and even if you are disappointed, you should keep your promises.  Paying in full as soon as possible is the decent thing to do.

Second, attend the congregational meeting on September 9 and if you are an eligible member, vote.  If for some reason you are not able to attend, please let the Board know your feeling on the budget and financial management of the congregation as soon as possible.

Third, if you have been silent, speak up!.  I know some members are uncomfortable with discussions where there is conflict; however, as a member of this congregation it is your responsibility to engage. Otherwise, we may not have a congregation in the future.

I encourage you to read the letters to the board at the end of the July Board minutes, as well as my previous post.

As Ever,

Marlene Jones, Member and Congregant since 2005