Letter from the TJMC Board of Trustees

Dear Members and Friends of TJMC-UU,

We are writing to you in response to the unacceptable racist act towards our Director of Administration and Finance, Christina Rivera.

We are outraged. Our faith calls us to speak out against racism. Our first principle calls us to respect the inherent worth and dignity of every person. As Rev. Wik often says, “We welcome all who would welcome all.”

Unitarian Universalism is an interconnected web of faith, community, and responsibility. As part of this covenant, we agree to respect each other no matter the race, age, gender, or sexual orientation of those who are a part of our community. This act of blatant racism is out of covenant.

As a congregation, we must support Chris and her family both on a professional and a personal level.  We admire you Chris, and we hold you, support you, and will be here for you through this difficult time.

We commit ourselves, as a board and as a congregation, to examine and eradicate our own perpetuation of the culture of white supremacy under which this despicable action occurred.

In love and faith,

The TJMC-UU Board of Trustees