“Nothing is Settled So Everything Matters”
Rev. Tim Temerson & Worship Weavers
With the daily barrage of negative news and the seemingly runaway growth of hate and fear, it can be hard not to feel hopeless and to fall into despair. Today’s service will seek out sources of hope and pay close attention to what theological and spiritual resources Unitarian Universalism offers in times like these.
Prelude Scott DeVeaux
Welcome Tori Goodloe, Worship Weaver
Kay Frazier, Board Greeter
Call to Worship
Chalice Lighting
Opening Song “Holy Now” Peter Mayer
Time For All Ages Revs. Leia and Tim
Hymn #414 As We Leave This Friendly Place
Centering and Sharing
Ritual of Joys and Sorrows
Musical Meditation
Reading “Nothing is Settled So Everything Matters” Robbie Walsh
Closing Hymn #108 My Life Flows on in Endless Song
Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing
Sharing Joys and Sorrows
If you would like to have a joy or sorrow shared aloud during the worship service, please complete this form by 9AM Sunday morning.