Clear Spring Zen

Event details

  • Wednesday | July 3, 2024
  • 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Second floor blue room - main building. UUCville - 717 Rugby Road

Clear Spring Zen meets at 7pm each Wednesday in the second floor blue room. Everyone welcome.

Zen practice is a way of examining who we are:

Dogen, a 13th Century Zen monk, once wrote:

To study the Way is to study the self,
To study the self is to forget the self,
To forget the self is to be actualized by all things.

Clear Spring Zen is a sangha of Zen practitioners who sit in the tradition of the Diamond Sangha of Honolulu, Hawaii, founded by the late Robert Aitken. Our sangha is led by his longtime student, Marian Morgan, who began teaching in 1999 at the invitation of Aitken Roshi.

We also meet daily at our zendo in Crozet or on Zoom. See our website for details.

If you are new to Zen practice please drop by a few minutes early and we will be happy to give you an introduction.

For information contact group organizer Steve Hughes at