“Sabbath as Resistance”
Rev. Tim Temerson & Caroline Landis
We live in a world of doing and more doing that rewards endless work while casting aspersions on rest and renewal. Today’s service will explore the importance of rest and pay special attention to the connection between spiritual rest (sabbath) and the struggle for justice.
Sharing Joys and Sorrows
If you would like to have a joy or sorrow shared aloud during the worship service, please complete this form by 9AM Sunday morning.
Prelude offered by Scott DeVeaux
Welcome Caroline Landis
Call To Worship
Chalice Lighting
Opening Hymn #1010 We Give Thanks
Centering and Sharing
Offertoryoffered by Scott DeVeaux
Reading Luke 10-38-42
Sermon “Sabbath as Resistance”
Closing Hymn “Here Together, Going Forth”
Benediction and Chalice Extinguishing
Postlude offered by Scott DeVeaux