Together We Build

Dear UUCville Members & Friends,

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Together We Build!

That’s the theme for the 2023 Pledge Drive and it certainly fits all that is going on at the UU Congregation of Charlottesville. Through our many programs and ministries, we are shining a beautiful light of love and compassion and building a future filled with hope and possibility both within and beyond our walls.


Our congregation’s passionate commitment to living Unitarian Universalism is the reason my family makes a financial commitment to the UU Congregation of Charlottesville and the reason we are planning to increase our pledge substantially. We make a financial commitment because UUCville’s Worship, Music, and Faith Development ministries are inspiring, challenging, and so enriching. We make a financial commitment because the congregation offers a listening ear and a loving heart to those who are struggling and in need of support. We make a financial commitment because our congregation is opening its doors wider and wider, welcoming new members, and becoming more inclusive. We make a financial commitment because UUCville is boldly reaching out through acts of service and justice, both locally and in the wider world. The UU Congregation of Charlottesville is truly a community that we are proud and excited to be part of and we can’t wait to see what the future holds!


There is another reason the Temerson family is increasing our financial commitment to UUCVille. Too often, it feels as if the world is moving in the wrong direction – in the direction of fear and exclusion, injustice and intolerance, close-mindedness and a “myway or the highway approach to religion.” From the moment we became Unitarian Universalists, our family has chosen to put our financial resources towards a very different vision of the world and of religion – a vision that offers unconditional love and compassion to all and that proclaims boldly, “Whoever you are and wherever you have come from, you are loved and welcomed!” That’s the vision Carol and I care passionately about and that’s the vision we choose to support by making a financial commitment to the UU Congregation of Charlottesville.

I hope you will join us in expressing your passion and your values by making a pledge to the UU Congregation of Charlottesville. If you currently pledge, I hope you will increase it by 10% or more. Such an increase in our existing pledges would enable us to fully fund our current ministries, provide fair compensation to our staff, and to launch new programs and initiatives. If you don’t currently pledge, consider making a financial commitment for 2023. All pledges, no matter the size, are greatly appreciated.

We have so much to offer and so much to share here at UUCville. The love and joy we are currently experiencing is only the beginning. Just imagine the lives we can touch, the justice we can do, and the countless souls we can welcome into this community of love and compassion. Let your love and values shine brightly and speak boldly!

Together, We Build!
Rev. Tim