Tips for Healing Earth #3


What’s Your Carbon Footprint?

Your carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases generated by your actions. The US average per person is 16 metric tons CO2e/yr (vs. 4 globally). To avoid a catastrophic rise in global temperatures, the average footprint must drop to under 2 by 2050. By making small changes we can start making a big difference and a lot of these modifications will also save money and make us and our communities healthier and happier.

Before setting specific goals, you need to know your starting point. Then we will explore many ways to reduce your footprint.

Today’s Tips:

Calculate your household footprint with this EPA calculator: — Play with suggested changes to see their impact. Compare your score with national averages. Print or save the results.

Build your support team. Discuss your footprint with members of your household and/or friends. What general areas do you need to work on (per the calculator) and how do you feel about changing? Ask for their support.

Start a Carbon Diary: Enter your carbon footprint information and supporters.

For help with the calculator and/or comments/ suggestions:

Next: Home Energy Use 1