2020-2021 Annual Reports

2020/2021 Annual Reports from Committees and Groups



Contact Received


Minister Linda Olson-Peebles Sent her own
Board Lorie Craddock
Personnel Committee Donna Redmond received
Finance Committee Marian Wendelin received
Committee on Ministry David Shutt
Policy Review Team Sandy Brooks received
Stewardship Team

Pledge Drive

Dawn Dirks received
History Committee Wayne Arnason

Sandy Brooks

Glenn Short Trust committee Sally Taylor received
Nominating Committee Elaine Chapman received
Volunteer Coordinator Kay Frazier received
RE Committee Elaine Chapman received
Adult Faith Development Leia Durland Jones
Social Justice Council Karen Prairie

Elizabeth Breeden

Administrative Council inactive **
Community Life Council inactive **
Membership Committee


Christine Gresser

Achsah Carrier

Covenant Groups Bev Ryan received
Active Minds


Jean Umiker-Sebeok, Mark Day
Hospitality inactive **
UU Guys Gil Griffis received
Pride Alliance inactive **


Lara Gastinger & Sandy Brooks received
Pastoral Visitors Shirley Paul & Patty Wallens received
ConnectHers inactive **
Wednesday Wonderings Lou Centore inactive


Achsah Carrier

Liberty Powers

Website Liberty Powers
Sound/Video ??
Art Show Elizabeth Breeden received



Sean Skally



Kay Frazier

Walter Hoffman

Remembrance Garden Elizabeth Breeden received
Aesthetics Committee Elizabeth Breeden received
Bed and Breakfast Bev Thierwechter received
Auction Committee inactive **
Depositors Trudy Rohm received
Endowment Sean Skally
Yard Sale


Kay Frazier

Bev Ryan

Hospital Meal Packets Margaret Gorman received
Food Pantry Elizabeth Breeden      Carol Saliba Received
Partner Church Margaret Gorman


PACEM Elizabeth Breeden

Gloria Morgan

Linda McGee

PAUN Peace Action United Nations Doris Glick Received
Racial Justice Ministry Christine Gresser
Soup Kitchen Bonnie Hansen

Elizabeth Breeden

IMPACT Kelsey Cowger
Christian Fellowship inactive **
Labyrinth Ministry


Patty Wallens received
Young Adult Ministry inactive


Ushers Terry Epp (inactive)




Kelsey Cowger
Wednesday Contemplative Worship Cindy Mick & Maggie Ober received
Altar Decorations Cindy Mick & Maggie Ober received
Worship Weavers Hayley Owens


Part of minister’s report
Telephone Tree Greta Dershimer received





Depositors:  Trudy Rohm

Members: Marvin Edwards, Marian Wendelin, Trudy Rohm

Recorded cash, check and credit card receipts plus made bank deposits consistently throughout the year.



Members: Carole Black & Sandy Brooks

No Report: Policy Review did not meet in the period 2020/2021


Pastoral Visitors    Shirley Paul

Members:  Shirley Paul, Patty Whalens, Susan Erno, Bob Brett, Meg Dunham, Patsy Swindler, Rosalie Simari, Karen Foley

Pastoral Visitors continued to meet monthly on Zoom, with Rev. Linda joining us as guide. Rev. Karen Foley also attended and contributed her knowledge and experience with pastoral care. Rev. Alex was on sabbatical for the first 6 months of 2021, and we still had good oversight and leadership. Patty Wallens and Shirley Paul were co-Chairs. We trained two new Pastoral Visitors: Bob Brett and Meg Dunham.

Covenant Groups   Bev Ryan

Steering Committee:  Cathey Polly, Bev Ryan, Patsy Swindler

The Covenant Group Steering Committee was established to promote small group ministry within our congregation, to work with the minister to recruit and train new Covenant Group facilitators, and to publicize the registration process to connect people with covenant groups.

2020-2021 Accomplishments:  Covenant group participation dropped this year due to the pandemic.  5 Covenant Groups continued meeting via zoom.

2021-2022 Goals:  

  1. Increase the number of trained facilitators within the congregation to increase the opportunity for participation in covenant groups.
  2. Continue support of current groups.
  3. Explore the option for hybrid zoom/in person groups to allow for greater participation.


Wednesday Contemplative Worship– Maggie Ober

Members:  Cindy Mick, Maggie Ober, Michelle Goodrich Leia Durland-Jones

Contemplative worship hasn’t been meeting, so there’s not much to report on that front.  I hope we’ll get back on board in due time.


Altar Decorations-Maggie Ober

Members: Patty Wallens, Cindy Mick, Maggie Ober, Michelle Goodrich, with Nik Skaggs as consultant.

The Altar decorations have gone on during the shutdown.  We meet monthly to decorate the altar, using the Soul Matters theme for the month, and take pictures to send to Sean and Caroline for the weekly newsletter and some of the services.



CareNet  Lara Call Gastinger & Sandy Brooks

CareNet is a network of all members and supporters of TJMC designed to help members and supporters of our community during times of special need. We speak with the person needing assistance to determine their needs and place requests via email. CareNet efforts are coordinated with Pastoral Visitors and the ministers.

CareNet provided meals for church members using www.takethemameal.com to coordinate meal delivery.  CareNet, primarily Sandy Brooks, was also a part of organizing the pandemic phone tree and the Errand Volunteers.


PAUN Peace Action United Nations–  Doris Glick

Members:   Doris Glick (chair), Al Reynolds, Kate Fraleigh, Multiple non-active members

PAUN deeply regrets the loss of two members during the past year: Mary Rose Curtis and John Anderson.  Mary Rose actively served as co-chair of PAUN and was a devoted leader of the group until her death.  Mary Rose was dedicated to promoting social justice throughout her life, and she and Al Reynolds were founding members of PAUN.


  1. PAUN did not have any meetings during the past year due to covid.
  2. Members of PAUN made special contributions to the church in honor of Mary Rose.
  3. PAUN will continue to work with the United Nations Association of the Blue Ridge to support UNA programs and to promote the work of the UN.
  4. PAUN welcomes new members who would like to support the work of the United Nations.


Volunteer Coordinator– Kay Frazier

Mostly inactive, placed emphasis on revitalizing the Grounds Committee and assisting with the Scared Tree Walk.


Grounds-  Kay Frazier

Chair: Walter Hoffman, Vice-Chair: Kay Frazier Team: Sandy Brooks, Burnie Davis, Elizabeth Breeden, Bobbie Williams, Sallie Kate Park, John Nolan, Ruth Douglas, and others

  • Established new leadership for the committee and formed a solid team of volunteers.
  • Continue to hold weekly work parties that began in the fall of 2020.
  • Completed a major removal of brush and debris.
  • Reseeded the Summit House lawn.
  • Continue to remove invasives, weed, prune and mulch gardens.
  • Rolling out a renewed Adopt a Spot program in June.


Yard Sale-Kay Frazier

Co-Chairs: Bev Ryan, Kay Frazier Team: Sandy Brooks, Gloria Morgan, Elizabeth Breeden, Janice Walker, Jean Newland, Jude Bias, Carol Gardner, Linda McGee and others

  • Held 3 online auction style sales in lieu of the traditional yard sale.
  • Solicited donations, sorted, cataloged, organized the online sales and pickups. Donated surplus items to nonprofits.
  • Estimated FY revenue of $6400+


Nominating Committee– Mary Beth Wiley

Members:  Elaine Chapman, Ann Salamini, Lisa Shutt, Marcia Becker, chair Mary Beth Wiley, and board rep Breck Gastinger.  We met most months via Zoom and talked to many members of the congregation about leadership.  We assembled a very talented and committed slate of candidates for open board, nominating, and personnel positions.   We asked each nominee to write a short introductory bio for the announcement of candidates, including their connection to the congregation, relevant experience and why they wanted to serve in this way.  The congregation votes on these candidates at the congregational meeting June 6th.  Next year the committee chair will be Elaine Chapman.


Finance Committee– Marian Wendelin

Members:  Marian Wendelin (Chair),Stan Walker (Board Treasurer), Sean Skally (DAF),Gloria Morgan, Rosalie Simari,Doug Webbink

We act as an oversight committee and advise the Treasurer and the Board in financial matters, including the creation of a budget. Additionally, we consider fund raising requests and other issues related to the finances of TJMC-UU.

The Finance Committee assisted in preparation of the FY20-21 budget, which was delayed due to the pandemic, and the FY21-22 budget. We reviewed financial reports each month and advised the DAF on reports and procedures. We also began reviewing the endowment reports this year. The Finance Committee has remained active during the pandemic, meeting monthly on Zoom, with additional communications during the month via email as necessary.

2020-2021 Goals:

Continue with budget preparation activities and monthly review of financial reports. Advise the Treasurer and the DAF on policies and procedures, as well as revenue enhancement and expense reduction opportunities. Attract new members!


Glenn Short Trust Committee– Sally Taylor

Members:  Sally Taylor, Dick Somer, Don Landis, Bev Ryan

Overview: In his will Glenn Short left an endowment to make improvements in the sanctuary, parlor, upstairs rooms and foyer. He approved the committee members and left a list of projects he wanted addressed. As a member of the Green Sanctuary Task Force he was particularly interested making the church building “green”. He was also focused on making the sanctuary and parlor attractive and making worship services accessible to all.

2021 Accomplishments:

  • Installed new HAVC system for the sanctuary
  • Shut down the old heating system and removed the boiler
  • Installed a new 50 gallon hot water heater and flue system for it
  • Converted the boiler room into the History Room with new shelving, dehumidifier, fan, light, fire extinguisher, heater, and bar on the external door.
  • Moved history files to the new History Room
  • Installed storm windows on windows in the sanctuary, Rugby Road entrance and Comfort Room
  • Painted the interior of the sanctuary
  • Painted pew ends and sanctuary woodwork
  • Installed 2 new electrical circuits in the sanctuary
  • Installed new sound system in the sanctuary
  • Installed a projector system in the sanctuary
  • Installed cameras for broadcast of worship services
  • Installed ethernet connection between sanctuary and church office
  • Installed new flooring in sanctuary
  • Installed new carpet in altar area and balcony
  • Put new rubber cushions on feet of all pews
  • Installed new flooring in Church Parlor
  • New curtains (made by Robyn Fogler) installed in the Parlor
  • Painted Parlor woodwork and walls
  • Installed storm windows in parlor
  • Installed new tile in the Edgewood Lane entrance, foyer and bathrooms
  • Installed new HVAC units in the Mural Room, Blue Room and Music office
  • Installed insulation in the attic space over the upstairs rooms
  • Installed new carpeting in the Blue Room and Music Office
  • Installed new flooring in the Mural Room
  • Added new downspouts
  • Installed gutter guards on gutters
  • Cleaned drainage system for gutters
  • Repaired the slate roof and fixed the leak
  • Replaced the treads and railings on the handicapped ramp
  • Replaced the foyer door to the playground

2021-2022 Goals: To spend the last penny of the endowment and retire the committee.


Personnel Committee– Donna Redmond

Members:  Donna Redmond (chair), Bev Ryan, Josie Taylor, Carol Gardner, Jim Gorham (part of the year), Steve Brecker (part of the year, replacing Jim), Elizabeth Breeden (Board Liaison), Sean Skally (ex officio)

This committee reviews personnel needs, roles, job descriptions, and compensation packages. This committee manages personnel policies and, when asked, makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding updates to these items. This committee is also tasked with managing the annual review process of the senior staff at TJMC-UU.

The committee worked on draft organizational charts, which were sent to Rev. Linda to be shared with the board.  Rev. Linda said that she wanted to move away from having the board directly supervise staff, which was necessary when there was no lead minister.

The committee files in DropBox were organized and standards for file naming and dating were established, making it easier to use and to preserve the work of the committee for later reference.

Staff evaluations were completed.  Rev. Linda recommended that we do a full evaluation like this every few years, with a more informal evaluation process in between. She would like to tie evaluations to the goals set in previous evaluations.

We worked to determine whether staff were being equitably compensated, and recommended salary changes to work toward salary equity.  We also worked on developing an equitable standardized benefits package.

The committee is also working to update the Personnel Policy Manual, to align it with UUA recommendations, and to ensure equity among staff benefits, etc.  The policies also have to align with state law.  This is currently in progress.

2021-2022 Goals:   Current goals are to complete the updating of the Personnel Policy Manual, assist with annual staff evaluations, and to continue working for equity among staff for salary and benefits.  As always, goals of the Committee include continuing to be a source of support for our staff and to continue to fulfill the role of liaison between the Board, the staff, and the congregation.


UU Guys–  Gil Griffis

During the year, the UUGuys Men’s Covenant Group:

+ Met via Zoom on a monthly basis.

+ Provided food to three separate PACEM events.

+ Added six new members, and lost three.

+ Assisted in planting a memorial tree at the church.


Labyrinth Ministry– Patty Wallens

Members:  Patty Wallens, Leia Durland-Jones, Cindy Mick, Maggie Ober, Michelle Goodrich

The Labyrinth Ministry is an umbrella that is involved with 3 main groups/events: The Contemplative Worship Team ( Leia Durland-Jones, Cindy Mick, Maggie Ober and Michelle Goodrich) holds a weekly service that incorporates the outdoor labyrinth; The Dream Quest Planning Circle organizes an annual Dream Quest for Women using the large canvas labyrinth; and the New Year’s Eve Labyrinth Walk, which also uses the large canvas labyrinth.  In addition, this group also cares for the 4 labyrinths at our church: the outdoor labyrinth, the 30’ Chartres design, the 20’ 7-circuit labyrinth and the 10’ 3-circuit labyrinth.  The smaller labyrinths are used by small groups or classes.

Due to the pandemic, it has been a quiet year.  We did not hold our traditional New Year’s Eve Labyrinth walk, the first time that we have canceled since we started in 1999.  This year, we held an online Women’s Dream Quest on February 26-27, and that went very very well!  We had 49 women participating, including women from out of state.    The Dream Quest Planning Circle  created packets containing art and self-care materials that women picked up at church, or were mailed to those out of town. Our DQPC meetings and the Dream Quest were held on zoom rooms.  World Labyrinth Day was acknowledged by a small group on the outdoor labyrinth on May 1, in solidarity with labyrinth  walkers around the world.

The Versatile Labyrinth was borrowed by The Center for Walks in October, 2020 and January, 2021.  And we were contacted by a resident at University Village asking for guidance in creating a labyrinth in their facility.

2020-2021 Goals:

Continue the above events and explore other opportunities to offer the labyrinth in its different forms to our congregants and the wider community.


Art Show– Elizabeth Breeden

When the pandemic occurred we began to publish the art show in the Friday Newsletter and then in Wednesday Wonderings.  Occasionally work would be shown on the zoom Sunday Service.

2020 Show

January                Lola Poisson Jan 19  (showing for Haitian relief?)

February              Billie & Sam Williams (acrylic and photography)

March                   Donna Redmond

April                      big closed

May                       Flame Bilyue-online

June                      Sara Gondwe-online


August                  Bennet Curtis (Mary Rose & Alma)

September         Mr. Kaplan  (Doug Horwitz Friend)

October               Lana Lambert (Lorie)

November          Beaux Art

December           All Church Season of Light Show

2021 Shows

February          Tomas Manto

March             Ruby Guy  (mom:  Debra)

April                Donna Redmond

May                 Laura Lee Gulledge

June                 Barbara Shenefield


Remembrance Garden – Elizabeth Breeden
Members:  Elizabeth Breeden, Josie Taylor, Wayne Arnason, Doug Horwitz, Sally Taylor, Rosie Simari

When the pandemic began, Alex encouraged us to expand our concepts about who is responsible for contracts, arrangements for installations in the Garden and create a funeral guide.  Thus the following teams and processes were formed and a guide for each job written down.  The Committee oversees the Garden itself and its upkeep.


Generally the request would go to the following people in this order, and if the person can’t do it, then they pass it to the next person in the line:

  • Alex McGee,
  • Karen Foley (offer to pay)
  • Wayne Arnason (offer to pay)
  • Leia Durland-Jones
  • Debby Norton (newly in role as “funeral worship weaver”)
  • Patrick Migas


Generally the request would go to the following people in this order, and if the person can’t do it, then they pass it to the next person in the line:

  • Elizabeth Breeden
  • Ann Salamini
  • Josie Taylor

PLACING ASHES (once they have the contract to be in memorial garden)

Generally the request would go to the following people in this order, and if the person can’t do it, then they pass it to the next person in the line:

  • Elizabeth Breeden
  • Ann Salamini
  • Patrick Migas
  • Debbie Norton

Memorial Garden Teams

  • Funeral Guide: the team that is trained to know how to read the grid about the placement of ashes in the memorial garden and to do the work of digging the hole and interacting with the family when the ashes are placed.
    • Elizabeth Breeden
    • Patrick Migas
    • Debby Norton
    • Ann Salamini
  • Contract: handle the contracts with families & permanent paperwork involved
    • Elizabeth Breeden
    • Josie Taylor
    • Anne Salamini or Sally Taylor????

This year we have buried the following members and friends:

Colin J. Rooney    1995-2020

Charles Martin   1951-2020

James Norvin Souder  1954-2020

Cordelia Michie Plunkett   1929-2020

We have received 7 new contracts in this fiscal year.


Aesthetics Committee– Elizabeth Breeden

Members:  Elizabeth Breeden, Trudy Rohm, Sandy Brooks, Beverly Ryan, Donna Redmond, Carole Black, Judy Bias, Liberty Powers, Dianne Jensen,

The Committee made the aesthetic decisions acted upon by the Glenn Short Trust Committee:  storm windows, fan, sanctuary colors and floor; floors in comfort room, hallways, upstairs and parlor as well as the parlor color, storm windows, curtains and rug.  They were also asked to pick the paint colors for the foyer and bathrooms and recommend a solution for the Jefferson quotes in the foyer.

Food Pantry-Elizabeth Breeden

Members:  Carol Saliba and Elizabeth Breeden (chairs), Gloria Morgan, Sara/Bob Jacobson, Beverly Gorham, Nancy Hurrelbrink, Janine Jakim, Caroline Heins, Mary Beth Wiley, Wayne Arnason, Bobbie Williams, Peyton Williams, Deborah Harkrader, Kay Frazier, Jude Bias, Linda McGee, mary Ann Gentry, Mark Kaiser, Terry Epp, David Powell, Dan Grogan

Every First Friday we disburse food obtained from the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank to those in need.  During the pandemic we learned to stage the food on the Summit House lawn and deliver directly into clients cars. We have been spending about $160 per month.  Each month we order enough food for 48 “families of 3.”We have been serving about 30 families per month, which include an average of 86 people.  Those include mostly middle aged and children. We have been handling about 2800lbs of food each month.

PACEM- Elizabeth Breeden

Members:  Gloria Morgan, Linda McGee, Mandy Griffin, Elizabeth Breeden

At the beginning of the pandemic the PACEM guess were housed in the City’s Recreation Center next to the City Hall.  They were soon moved to hotel rooms at LaQuinta Inn.  We served Monday dinners to them in July and August.  We were asked to provide Summit House as emergency shelter for overflow for the month of June.  The Thomas Jefferson Area Homeless Coalition bought the Red Roof Inn as housing for the homeless and we are being asked for support for the staff moving the residents into rooms and rehabbing the facility.  We have offered to provide dinner on Fridays for the months of June and July.


Soup Kitchen– Elizabeth Breeden

Members:  Bonnie Hansen and Elizabeth Breeden (co-chair)

Soup Kitchen Team Captains:  Bonnie Hanson, Elizabeth Breeden, Sue Kaufman, Hannah Baran, Nancy Hurrelbrink, Mark Foley

At the beginning of the pandemic we changed our Sunday Lunch service from hot lunches at the HAVEN to 60 bagged lunches with sandwiches disbursed at Salvation Army.  We have now returned to the HAVEN but continue to serve bagged lunch.  Each team of about 10 members serves every 6 weeks.


Stewardship Team/Pledge Drive-Dawn Dirks

Committee Members: Jim Gorham (Data/Tech Coordinator), Achsah Carrier (Communications Coordinator), Yvonne Chadwick-Mehta (Askers Coordinator), Ann Forno (Celebrations/Thank Yous Coordinator), Dawn Dirks (Chair), Sean Skally and Rev. Linda Olson Peebles (ex officio)

Data Tech Team Members: Achsah Carrier, Sean Skally

Communications Team Members: Liberty Powers, Laura Wallace, Jill Payne

Celebrations/Thank Yous Team Members: Sandy Brooks, Joanna Woodchild, Linda Dukes

Askers: Lorie Craddock, Burnie Davis, Greta Dershimer, Linda Dukes, Kate Fraliegh, Kay Frasier, Jim Gorham, Laura Horn, Beth-Jaeger-Landis, Chris Little, Amy Nash, Dana Redick, Jen Smith, Ann Salamini, Patsy Swindler, Josie Taylor, Bev Thierwechter

Graphics Assistance: Joanna Hickman, Jude Bias


  1. Involvement of more than 30 people in the workings of the pledge drive
  2. Very successful pledge drive: $448,269 in pledges plus $20,950 in matching funds for a grand total of $469,219.


Bed and Breakfast– Bev Thierwechter

Member:  Bev Thierwechter

There were no B&B Stays because of COVID restrictions.


Children and Youth RE Committee– Elaine Chapman

Members:  Elaine Chapman (chair), Cathy Sanders, Yvonne Chadwick-Mehta, Lauren Doran, Margaret Gorman, Nancy Hurrelbrinck, Kara Miller, Leia Durland-Jones

The committee is responsible for developing, supporting and sustaining quality religious education programming for children from nursery through twelfth grade.  This includes sponsoring or coordinating some of the church’s activities which are family- centered as well as linked with the wider congregation.

The RE Committee members met virtually on three occasions and played a rather minor role due to limits from pandemic. Due to difficulties faced by committee members (families, employment, changes in homes), it was challenging to work together through ZOOM. Nonetheless, ministerial staff developed unique methods to engage members of the congregation for worship, including RE families and their children. Committee members wholeheartedly supported the necessary changes.

As a result of continuing restrictions due to the pandemic, physical meetings in church were not possible for children and youth. Instead, with Rev. Leia’s inspiration and creativity (and the support of Caroline Heins and others), the option of Community Worship with ZOOM was available prior to the congregational worship on Sundays. Available to not only children and families, however, the content provided enriching sessions for young children. Youth met with their group leaders through ZOOM and when possible, in person.

Events such as holiday sharing and creative activities were available, generally through drive-by at church. A highlighted event was the drive-by reception for Rev. Leia’s ordination! Child dedication and Crossing Bridges took place via ZOOM.

During Summer 2020, and continuing in 2021, Feefie (Faith Exploration Education Fun Including Everyone) provided opportunities for children younger than 4th grade to explore UU principles with creative activities.


PURPOSE: When the church building was closed in March 2020 because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Phone Tree was established to maintain contact with the more vulnerable members of the congregation (elders, and those living alone or in assisted living facilities, without internet services, or unable to drive), and provide them with needed services (rides to medical appointments, groceries delivered, meals provided, computer help). By mid-April, 2020 the Phone Tree had 45 members, 8 of whom were ”Callers,” each calling a sub-group of other members (“Contacts”) every week to check on how they were coping. An associated group of “Errand Volunteers,” recruited by Sandy Brooks, Co-Chair of the Care Net, was available to provide services as needed. At its inception, the Phone Tree was seen by all as a temporary measure, and not expected to last longer than a few months.


Telephone Tree–  Greta Dershimer

MEMBERS: Phone Tree Callers/Temporary Callers included Bonney Andrews, Bayard Catron, Mark Day, Greta Dershimer, Debbie Eggleston, Kate Fraleigh, May Guenin, Laura Horn, Shirley Paul, Gerry Seedyke, John Shackford, Jean Umiker-Sebeok, Patty Wallens, and Barbara Yeaman.

Phone Tree “Graduates” are Bonney Andrews, Skip Atwater, Stephen Blair, Ellen Cummings, Mark Day, Liz Evans, Kate Fraleigh, Sallie Kate Park, Gail Rubin, John Shackford, and Jean Umiker-Sebeok.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In early July, 2021 Rev. Alexandra McGee and the Pastoral Visitors asked for a review of the Phone Tree to identify what was being accomplished and what might need to be changed. Sandy Brooks, Greta Dershimer, and Pastoral Visitors  Co-Chairs Shirley Paul and Patty Wallens met with the Phone Tree Callers to get their perceptions of benefits being provided and possible problems to be explored. Callers reported having many positive interactions with their group members, but also noted having some difficult conversations, and some problems in actually reaching some members, despite leaving phone messages to please call back. The Pastoral Visitors asked about potential burnout after almost four months of making calls, and offered training in dealing with difficult conversations. No Callers asked for training, but 4 of the 8 Callers subsequently decided to take a break from making calls. Four “Temporary Callers” were recruited to take their place, expecting that this would only last for another few months.

A survey was developed to get information about perceptions of the Contacts regarding the benefits they were receiving and potential improvements they might suggest. Questions focused on four primary purposes of the Phone Tree: 1) maintaining personal contact with vulnerable church members during the church closedown; 2) providing helpful services related to daily living activities; 3) facilitating opportunities for social interaction among and between Phone Tree members; and 4) assisting newer church members in forming relationships with other members while face-to-face meetings were restricted. When the survey was distributed, the Phone Tree was down to 38 people who could be invited to respond: 8 Callers/Temporary Callers and 30 Contacts. Four Contacts had died (none of Covid-19) and 3 had communication and/or memory problems which made the survey inappropriate for them.

Analysis of the survey responses indicated that some of the services offered by Errand Volunteers were not really needed by many Phone Tree Contacts, as they were being provided by friends, neighbors, and family members. A sociogram of reported interactions showed that Phone Tree members were making connections with Callers, other Contacts, and other church members not included in the Phone Tree. Some responders were interacting socially with others in various church-sponsored Zoom meetings. But some responders without internet access were feeling more isolated, and a few were more comfortable talking with people they knew well, rather than Callers whom they had not known before the pandemic. Some Callers and Temporary Callers were ready for a break after many months of making calls.

As our program year draws to a close, the church is beginning to allow small groups to reserve space and meet on the grounds and in the building, and most of our elder members are fully vaccinated. The Phone Tree Review Committee has decided that a new communicative structure could serve the current situation more effectively. The Pastoral Visitors Co-Chairs, Shirley Paul and Patty Wallens have volunteered to help with establishing the new proposed process, which was suggested by some of the survey responders. The idea is to form “Caring Circles” of 3-4 members who would agree to operate independently, checking in with each other on a regular basis. Each group would make their own decisions about how frequently they would be in contact, and what kinds of activities they would undertake. Callers have begun to make calls to their Contacts to inquire about their interest in forming or joining such a Caring Circle.

CURRENT STATUS: Some people (“Graduates”) have decided that they are already well connected with the church and other church members and no longer need a Phone Tree system. A few people would like to continue receiving calls in a reduced Phone Tree system. One group has formed a “Caring Circle of 8” and is meeting regularly on their own. A number of people are still in the decision-making process. The Pastoral Visitors have recruited Carol Gardner to act as the Coordinator for the Caring Circle program when it is fully established.

Continuing Phone Tree Contacts are Tom Crowell, Virginia James, and John Lineweaver.

The Caring Circle of 8 includes Ed Barber, Sandy Brooks, Bayard Catron, Burnie Davis, Greta Dershimer, May Guenin, Alexis Halley, and Gerry Seedyke.

In Process of Being Contacted or Still Deciding are Beverly Ball, Rick Benner, Joan Hunt, Ann Goedde, Edith Good, Deborah Harkrader, Pat Millman, Jill Mulligan, Elena Prien, Julia Sakallerios, Carol Saliba, Bill and Elena Speidel, Helen Wilson, and Johanna Woodchild.

Deceased Members (still remembered) include John Anderson, Art Given, Bernice Melvin, Cordelia “Dee” Plunkett, and Jim Souder.


History Committee-Sally Taylor and Wayne Arnason

Sally Taylor: The Glenn Short Trust Committee created a history room in the boiler room space in the Lower Hall and consolidated and moved most of the history files and materials into the newly created space. The Aesthetics Committee chose photographs illustrating the history of the church to hang in the hallways. With the advice of the Treasurer and DAF Sally reviewed the finance receipts older than seven years and shredded and disposed of them. Wayne and Sandy began the job of sorting and organizing the materials in the History Room concentrating on Board materials, sermons and orders of service and sorting the photographs for further review.

Membership Committee-Christine Gresser

Members (Co-Chairs Achsah Carrier and Christine Gresser, Kelly Dryden, Kate Soderlund, Donna Redmond,  Gayle Floyd, Kristen McCleary, Johanna Woodchild, and Marcia Brecker.  We are guided by and work in partnership with the Lead Interim Minister, Rev. Linda Olson Peebles.
Marcia Brecker accepted our invitation to join our Committee and specifically to serve as our Membership Tracker.
We had __*** new members join UUCville this year, and __***  previous members rejoined us after having resigned their memberships previously.  ___*** number of our members died this year, and ___*** resigned.
Christine Gresser, Kate Soderlund, and Achsah organized two successful Newcomer Orientations via Zoom, which Rev. Linda facilitated, drawing a total of ___*** newcomers to the two events, the first in Month X*** and the second in Month Y***
Christine Gresser facilitated a weekly Tuesday “Connections Table” drop-in Zoom gathering virtually every week for the past year. This has become an important fellowship opportunity for at least four regular weekly attendees who are newer to our congregation and who are experiencing life transitions.
The Membership Committee has reached out to all recently joined members who had signed the Membership Book since late 2019 to try to stay connected, and nearly all have been in community with the church in some way: attending worship, phone conversations with a membership co-chair, participating in groups or events.
The Membership Committee and its members quickly pivoted to a virtual church experience, with Membership Committee members Kelly Dryden and Achsah Carrier joining the Worship Tech Team at the start of pandemic, and Christine Gresser developing the online Joys and Sorrows form and delivering the shared Joys and Sorrows each week for the first half of the pandemic year, then switching to a rotation format with other members of the Worship team also taking turns delivering community Joys and Sorrows each week.
Finally, a dynamic and important new program which the Membership Committee developed and rolled out is the Virtual Greeters program during the weekly Sunday 11:00am Community Worship.  Each week, Achsah, Marcia, and Christine identify newcomers to the congregation and reach out to initiate 1-to-1 contact and welcome via the Zoom Worship’s “Chat” functionality. The Virtual Greeters welcome the newcomer, identify themselves as being a part of the Membership and Greeters team, and offer to connect after the service. We are hearing a positive response deon newcomers who appreciate the warm direct reach-outs and follow up.
In the coming year, we will develop and begin to shift congregational expectations to a membership model with a more explicit Path To Membership, in which we as a congregation, under the leadership of Membership a committee and the ministers, ca  consciously work with our new congregants as we Welcome, Orient, Integrate, and then Covenant with them, (that is, to help new members join), then we will Develop Leadership, Retain, and Renew our members.
Among the priorities of the Membership Committee in the coming year will be discussion and development of:
– An explicit Path To Membership, which includes covenanting to pledge financial support to the congregation
– Attracting and retaining young adults,
– Consulting with the UUCville Racial Justice Ministry as we develop consciously anti-racist and dismantling-white-supremacy-culture approaches to full-life-cycle Membership programming and processes,
– Working with what will presumably be some sort of UUCville pandemic transition and reintegration team, as we welcome back those members and friends who never did connect spiritually with Zoom Sunday services and who are looking to reintegrate with church in person, post-pandemic; as we continue to welcome newcomers, as we help the congregation transition to  embership in post-pandemic hybrid church with new facets of digital ministry and virtual meetings and fellowship opportunities.

Hospital Meal Packets– Margaret Gorman

There have been 312 meal packets delivered to the Social Work office. Our contact there says the demand is about 25-26/month right now. Meal packets shut down completely when family members and other caregivers were not allowed to join their loved ones in the hospital. This is slowly opening up again so I anticipate the demand to return.

Since we held no in-person RE classes last year, we had other church people assemble the meals. The Mom’s covenant group and several families assisted. We used Social Action funds to purchase supplies for the families but church member Julianne Allen applied for and won a grant through her employer, Thrivent Financial, to buy the items for the Mom’s covenant group to use. That is wonderful.

I expect to deliver more meal packets the first week of June, 2020, and the FieFee Summer RE program might assemble meal packets on a Sunday morning.

At this time we have no active committee, aside from me, but many church members and friends have offered to participate when the need for it returns

Social Justice Council-Elizabeth Breeden

CoChairs:  Karen Prairie & Elizabeth Breeden

During the year Natalie Somer contacted each of the Social Action Collection recipients a month before their collection to create both a written and video appeal for the newsletter and the Sunday Service.  Sean kept track of donations.  In February Karen sent out an invitation to all former church sponsors and non-profits who had received a collection during the year with the application.  Congregation members were encouraged to ask non-profits with whom they are affiliated to apply.  All applications were posted on our website.  There were 17 applications.  At a zoom meeting all 17 applicants made a 2 minute “live” appeal or video appeal to members of the Congregation attending the meeting.  Voting for the 9 open slots was done with a ballot.  When the data for this year about the collection totals is recorded, the “best months” for a collection will be assigned to the organizations with the most votes.  Three “in house” collections are already committed:  Hospital Meal Packets, Food Pantry and IMPACT.  The following organizations are the recipients of the other SAC months:

African American Teaching Fellows

B.U.C.K. Squad

Birth Sisters of Charlottesville

Blue Ridge Abortion Fund

C’ville Immigrant Freedom Fund

PACEM – Live with Jayson Whitehead, Executive Director

Public Housing Association of Residents (PHAR)

RISE Organization

Sin Barreras