Emerging from the Pandemic: A message from Rev. Dr. Linda Olson Peebles

Many of you might be asking, “Why is UUCVille re-opening so slowly?”  The answer is a blend of our religious values and our respect for science.  We have a Board appointed team who keep track of the level of current Covid cases in our region, vaccinations, and careful guidance on other infectious disease measures.  Our team meets regularly, and updates our building use and re-opening status as appropriate. The most up to date information is posted on our church webpage https://uucharlottesville.org/building-use-update-may-17-2021/

Our religious values which keep us more cautious than other venues in our community include inclusion, accessibility, and care for the most vulnerable among us.  We want to be welcoming to all.

•    We are a multi-generational community, including children who will not be able to be vaccinated until late fall or early winter.
•    We strive for equal accessibility, and we want to be caring of those among us who have health issues which require special attention.
•    We are a public institution, open to those we do not know, and not requiring a “vaccine passport” as an entry document.

We will assume that in every gathering, there will be those who are not vaccinated, and thus we will gather in ways that protect all in case the virus is present.

As the risk goes down, our precautions will also relax.  However, even as we do begin to emerge from this pandemic time, we will never go back to “church as usual.”  We are making the commitment to

•    Keep worship hybrid (both in-person and on-line simultaneously).
•    Keep meetings on-line or hybrid (facilitators and chairs will be asked to provide a zoom option to all in-person gatherings).

Many other faith communities, not just ours, are travelling this caring pathway slowly and thoughtfully. This thoughtful piece by CB Beal offers a wonderful perspective about the complexities we are grappling with. https://justiceandpeaceconsulting.com/so-close-we-can-taste-it/?fbclid=IwAR2twc4Ory0uoUOkemvq4F3T2I2uDcxVViJr_p-jvjIqJTjniwHrF_ST4QA 

Your staff and leaders did an amazing job shifting into on-line church, quickly and effectively, 15 months ago.  Let us offer one another support, understanding and patience as together we move intentionally and carefully towards the next year, caring for the most vulnerable and being a community of inclusion.

“Why is UUCVille re-opening so slowly?”  Because we value each and every person.