Renovation Reveal. Glenn Short Fund Progress on Sanctuary and Parlor

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When Glenn Short passed away in September 2018, he had been a familiar face in our sanctuary and social hall for about 16 years. He enthusiastically participated in environmental and racial justice efforts both in church and in our community. He regularly attended congregational meetings and was dismayed at our lack of ability to include building and infrastructure repairs in our budgets. So when he became ill, he decided to make a generous gift to our church. He stipulated that this endowment should be used only for upgrading the heating system and repair of the original church building and specified that it could not be spent elsewhere.

Glenn saw that every year, our leaders struggled to deal with the old boiler heating system that could not be repaired and was too expensive to replace. And Glenn wanted to make our church more attractive to our community. He wanted the work to be environmentally sound and for us to pick minority-owned contracting businesses, when possible.

Photo of Glenn Short Glenn Short photo UU CharlottesvilleA group of trustees picked by Glenn (Sally Taylor, Don Landis and Dick Somer joined later by Bev Ryan) undertook to fulfill Glenn’s projects. This was no easy task, as bids had to be solicited, proposals reviewed and contracts signed. Then the work had to be monitored. Dick and Sally coordinated with the contractors and Don was the trust treasurer. The projects will have taken almost 2 years to complete when Glenn’s vision is fulfilled.

We have an updated facility and a great staff to come back to, if and only if we meet our pledging goals for the budget year that starts this July!

We have a great opportunity for renewal. Join our Pledge Drive effort to raise the funds that we need.


When you make your pledge of support, it deepens your connection with your UU congregation. As a pledging member you help sustain the presence of a welcoming, anti-racist, spiritually-centered community in Charlottesville and Central Virginia region.



Every member household should have a pledge on file as a vote of confidence in our work for the coming year. Please pledge the amount that is right for your family situation. Pledges from friends and supporters are welcomed too.

The pledge drive is over at the end of March.