2021-2022 Social Action Collection Applications Now Open

Each year the Social Justice Committee organizes the new year of Social Action Collections on the third Sunday of each month (most months.)  If you know of a great non-profit in the area who does great work, who would (traditionally) receive a donation from our congregation of between $1500 and $4000 AND get to present their work to our liberal faith community, please forward the application and sponsor them in the process.


The Social Action Collection is the Unitarian Universalist Charlottesville’s monthly collection to benefit area non-profit organizations whose mission and vision are aligned to our Seven Principles.

Any non-profit can apply for the monthly collection as long as at least two UUC congregants of the church sponsor and support the organization and its application. Preference is given to organizations that are in the Charlottesville/Blue Ridge area, are in alignment with our mission, and will experience a noticeable impact from this size donation.

Applications are now open for the 2021-2022 year (July-June). The application deadline is April 30th. Both the organization and the sponsors must complete their applications by the end of that day. In addition, applicants (or an appropriate representative) must present a short 2 minute “pitch” for their organization to members of our congregation for a vote on May 16th at 3pm Eastern Time via Zoom. This can be done live or via a prerecorded video.

For more information and to apply, visit
https://forms.gle/Mim7jy2TgDNQsYG86 .

Sponsor endorsements:

Contact socialjustice@uucharlottesville.org with questions or inquiries.