UPDATED: 2021 Pledge Drive Progress

Each of our member households is asked to honor our covenant and fill out a pledge card showing support for the work of our congregation.

Thank you to everyone who has pledged to support this community for another year. We are seeing a lot of new pledgers and the pledge drive committee wants everyone to know that all levels of pledges are valued. We are a member-funded congregation, so please make a pledge of support for the work we will do next year.


Every member is invited to have an updated pledge card on file. Pledge cards do not roll over, so please fill out your form today for the 2021-2022 church year. Every pledge is received in gratitude and honored as a commitment of support for our community. Thank you for being part of this congregation.



Charts are updated each day by 6 p.m. 

This is a friendly reminder to please fill out your pledge form today.

The pledge drive ends March 31, please help the pledge drive committee volunteers by updating your pledge as soon as possible before the deadline.