Most of the growth, learning, work, and meaningful connections in a congregation take place in small groups – committees or book groups or Covenant Groups or support groups. Oftentimes, the quality of the experience felt by the participants depends on caring facilitation.
If you are a small group facilitator or interested in becoming one, Rev. Linda invites you to join her and Covenant Group leader Patsy Swindler for a Zoom conversation at 1pm Sunday January 24. Our time together will be part education, part inspiration, part imagination. Imagine what could happen if every group at UUC’Ville offered a kind of ministry, and if every person coming to UUC’Ville could be welcomed into a small group.
This session will be designed to last 90 minutes (and allow for a little more time if our conversation needs it). If you cannot attend but know someone who would enjoy it, please share this invitation!
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