UU Youth Winter Programming

Exciting plans are coming together for our middle school and high school youth including Zoom meet-ups, in-person socially distanced gatherings, movie watch parties, monthly theme-based exploration, and more.

There is nothing cooler than our UU youth and we want to support and connect with them during these challenging times.

If you have youth in 5th or 6th grade and want to connect with programing for this group, contact Leia.

7th & 8th grade youth will be offered “GET REAL: COMPREHENSIVE SEXUALITY EDUCATION”  this fall. for 7th & 8th grade youth will be offered this fall. Parents and caregivers of 7th & 8th grade youth should attend an on-line orientation session Wednesday October 7 at 7PM if you would like your youth to be able to participate. Contact Leia to receive the Zoom link for this orientation.

Our 9th-12th grade (YRUU) senior high youth group continues to meet weekly. On various Sundays they will have a socially distanced gathering at a local park. For more information or to join in the fun, email Leia  to reach group leaders Larry MoulisKim GroverPam McIntire, Karen Prairie and Jen Smith.

YRUU, is a lively weekly online gathering of our high school youth. Sunday morning sessions vary but often include an exploration of moral dilemmas and timely topics as well as fun and games. Under the guidance of trained youth advisors, a safe and nurturing space is created to allow youth to explore topics of interest and build friendships. Activities vary from week to week and focus on learning, service, worship, community-building and leadership development. Newcomers to YRUU are always welcome. For more information about how to participate and connect, contact Leia Durland-Jones.

Your Soulful UU Home
Our weekly Wednesday email offers easy ways to stay connected to our UU community and faith. It includes a chalice lighting, an inspirational message, and information on upcoming Chapel, Faith Development and Community Worship services. Subscribe to the newsletter here.

Chalice Home
This packet, centered on our monthly themes, is designed to bring our UU church community and faith more deeply into your home. It provides support and instruction for at home worship and enrichment activities. This resource is a wonderful way to stay connected off-screen and can be used at times that fit the routines and rhythms of your particular household. Email Leia to subscribe.