November Art Show: BozART Artists of Charlottesville

BozArt Fine Art Collective

Sara Gondwe-Artist Statement

Emotions — Confusion, Fear, Isolation, Despair, Caution
Confidence, Action, Hope — I choose Life

Peace Must Prevail Over Chaos
Melted Crayons with Iron, Acrylics, 18″ x 26″
Note:  “Peace” glows in the dark.

Covid 19 — Which Path do I Take?
Melted Crayons with Iron, Acrylics, 20″ x 30″

Judith Ely — Artist Statement

I see forms and images in unusual perspectives. For me, a painting is an inviting place where the viewer should have their own experience. I seek to inspire this from my process of unearthing hidden forms to bring a visual narrative to life. I want the viewer to feel drawn into my paintings and captured by their own interpretation of its story.

Floral Ribbons   SOLD
Acrylic, 24 x 18

Seeking Repentance
Acrylic 15 x 22

Joan Dreicer—Artist Statement

My art conveys the emotion that I am feeling as I interact with my subject. My paintings are an expression of the beauty I see all around me. I strive to create a strong but simple composition. The use of color relationships, shapes, light and shadow are tools I use to communicate my message to the viewer. Heightened sensitivity and deep emotion contribute to my paintings and give me the opportunity to share how I see the world with those who view my work.

Road Trip
Pastel, 8″ x 10″

Spring Walkway
Pastel, 10″ x 8″

Matalie Deane:  Artist Statement

Matalie paints on site often and loves to use watercolors for expressing these experiences.

It is God’s world and she tries to capture the feeling of spirituality through her paintings.

Stormy Sunset:  Rest in calm sunset of God’s love.
Dock of the Evening: Pause for the beautiful evenings God grants us.

Stormy Sunset
Watercolor, 22″ x 32″

Dock of the Evening
Watercolor, 18″ x 28″