Listening to our hearts– notes from Chapel last week

Hello Friends,

Last week in Chapel/Faith Development, we continued our focus on October’s theme of “Deep Listening.” We lifted-up the importance of listening deeply to ourselves and to what messages our own hearts are giving us.  We also talked about treating ourselves, as well as others, with compassion.  These ideas connect to our UU Principles and Sources:

1st Principle: Respect the inherent worth and dignity of every person

2nd Principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations

2nd Source: Words and deeds of prophetic people which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love


We also heard from children in our church– Nora, Liam, and Ciaran Little. They shared about listening to their hearts and working for justice, equity and compassion with the lemonade stands they held weekly over the summer. They donated the money they raised to different social action causes.  Way to go following your hearts and listening to the still small voice inside to make a difference in the world and to act for and with compassion!

Explore or revisit these pieces of last week’s Chapel/Faith Development:


Opening Hymn  “Here We Have Gathered”

 Our Story:  Sonia Valdez, Future Prez

 Closing Hymn “When Our Heart is in a Holy Place”


Question to ponder and act on:

What do you do to help you pause and listen to your heart or the still small voice inside of you? 

 How does it feel when others treat you with compassion? 

Join your friends for Chapel/Faith Development this Sunday October 25 at 10AM

Here’s the link:


This Sunday, we will explore the importance of listening to our elders.

We will  begin preparing for Ancestor Sunday on November 1.


Please note, there will NOT be Chapel/Faith Development on Nov. 1.

We hope everyone will join in Ancestor Sunday at 11.

In faith and with love,
