Get Ready for Water Communion on September 6th

Three ways for you to share your waters with the congregation this year:

1. Monday through Friday August 31 – September 4, bring your waters to pour into a container we will leave outside the church on the Edgewood Lane porch.  Take a selfie of yourself when you do, and send it to Leia no later than 6pm Friday Sept 4, so we can see your photo in our September 6 service.

2. Drive-by Water Sharing!! During the second half of our Sunday morning service (which will begin at 11am!!) we invite you to drive by the Edgewood Lane church entrance where Rev. Linda will greet you and receive your waters!

3. During the Sept 6 service, pour your waters in your own home onto a plant or into a pet’s water dish, symbolling your willingness to share the waters of your life with other living beings.