Letter from Leia

Dear Friends,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your affirming vote of my ministry last Sunday. I am honored, humbled, and grateful. Your support means more than I can say. I want to acknowledge and thank everyone who worked so diligently and tirelessly for this day. Thank you to the hardworking members of the Ordination Task Force: Elizabeth Breeden, Elaine Chapman, Lorie Craddock, Dawn Dirks, Laura Horn, Pam McIntire (Chair), Larry Moulis, Karen Prairie, and Mary Rose Curtis (honorary member.) The Task Force met regularly, conducted research into the history and legacy of ordination in our tradition, consulted with experts, leaders, and authorities and met with many groups and individuals. They put their whole hearts into this exploration and I cannot thank them enough for their work.

Thank you also to each and every one of you who showed up for the congregational conversations, read the materials provided by the OTF, asked questions, and engaged with the seriousness of this exploration. Your participation was foundational to the authenticity of your affirmation of my call.

A big thank you goes to my fellow staff members—Linda, Alex, Sean, Scott, and Caroline—for the extra work this effort caused you and for your collegiality and support.  Xavier Mehta gets a special shout out for playing the piano so that there would be a musical interlude while the votes were being tallied… and you played Elton John! Those who know me best know I’m a big EJ fan. This was just the best!

And last, but never least, I thank my dear family, particularly Karen and Annalee, for your constant loving support.

So what happens next? The affirmative vote means we can go forward with an Ordination Ceremony and plans are in underway! It is during the Ordination Ceremony that the title of Reverend is bestowed. We will likely have a ceremony this fall via Zoom and a larger in-person celebration when that is possible. Stay tuned for more details coming soon!

Thank you again to all of you who have seen and supported my ministry through the years. I look forward to continuing our ministry for, to, and with one another for a long time to come.

In faith and with love,