Leia Sends Us Love & Suggestions for Family Self-Care

March 16, 2020

Dear Church Families-

What a stressful time we are in!  I am reaching out to let you know that I am thinking of you and holding each of you in my heart.

There are so many sources of news and information right now as well as suggestions for what to do if you are “hunkering down.” I’m finding it overwhelming—perhaps you are too. I’m hoping we can help each other navigate this time with support, comfort, and connection.

Some good advice I received is to check news updates at the most two times a day and to use sources that you know are reliable and unlikely to sensationalize their reporting.  If you try to take in all that is out there for consumption right now it is analogous to “drinking from a firehose.”  It is a scary time—so not subjecting yourself to the news constantly is important for your health and wellbeing.

Here are my suggestions for family self-care right now:

If possible, set and keep a family schedule or rhythm for your day.  Try to eat at usual and regular times, rest or nap at regular times and go to bed/get up at usual times.  You may need to adjust your schedule in the coming days however being intentional about how you shape your day can help everyone feel calmer.

Do little things that help you and your family feel a sense of order such as making your bed daily, keeping your kitchen sink free of dirty dishes or having a routine for picking up the playroom, etc.  This could be a great time to help younger members of your household learn how to help with simple daily household chores.  Find a way to make it joyful—perhaps by singing together as you work or by doing something fun together once chores are complete.

Go outside as often as you can.  Sit in the sunshine or shade, have a picnic, read outside, take a walk. Outdoor play is wonderful for all ages and unleashes creative play in beautiful ways.

It is okay if your children get bored.  Boredom is one of the best incubators for creativity!  Don’t feel like you need to program your child’s day or keep them entertained constantly. (See number 3 above.)

Now might be a time to tackle a household project you haven’t gotten around to—with help from your family members as appropriate.  Is there a closet that needs cleaning out? A bookshelf that needs to be sorted? Is there a reasonable project you could start (and not necessarily complete all at once) that would help everyone have a sense of accomplishment?

I would like us to be able to stay connected with each other and I would like to hear from you about what would be most helpful to you.  Here are some thoughts:

Weekday, Monday-Friday – 8-9AM – Parent/Caregiver Coffee Hour, open drop-in via ZOOM

Parent connection groups via ZOOM (smaller groups with consistent participants?)

I could share a story or offer a modified Children’s Worship on Sundays or other days via ZOOM or pre-recorded videoI could offer guided meditation, spoken prayers, wondering questions for families, etc. via ZOOM or pre-recorded video.

What would you like to have happen?  What would help you and your family right now and in the coming days?

Please be in touch and let me know.  I want you to feel to love and support of your church family right now.

In faith and with love,
