NEWS: UUGuys Spring Retreat

“Our spring retreat was a huge success!

Good coffee… good food… good fellowship…

A special shout out to David Shutt for his expertise in culinary banquet skills and Stephen Blair for his master story telling and program coordinator abilities.
Everyone’s eagerness to participate in all phases of our retreat contributed to this success. Thank you for your dedication to our group.

I also want to, again recognize our groups long time leader, Griff. He has lead our covenant group with dedication, passion, and commitment for 13 years. His shoes will be hard to fill. Socks too! Thank you Griff. My hope is to continue the level of excellence you have established for our group.”-John Nolan

Want to come along? UUGuys meets at 7 PM on the on first Thursday night of each month in the church parlor. Contact John Nolen for more information