The applications are in and we are excited! UUC’s monthly Social Action Collection is a vital source of funding for many worthy organizations in our community. But, unfortunately, we can’t fund them all. We need your help deciding which ones to feature in our upcoming fiscal year, July 2024- June 2025.
Every year, UUC sponsors 12 different non-profit organizations doing great work in our community (one for each month) to receive gifts of money to help them. Three of these organizations, our own Food Pantry, IMPACT, and the Hospital Meal Packets, automatically get assigned one month. We gather each year to vote on the other nine. All UUCville members are eligible to vote but anyone is welcome and encouraged to learn more about the organizations. On Tuesday, May 21 at 7 pm via Zoom, a representative from each organization will present a 2-minute “pitch” telling us why we should support them and then we’ll vote! The organizations we’ll hear from this year are below.
Click Here for Applications and Sponsor Endorsements.

Even if you can’t attend, please take a minute to read through these very thoughtful applications and learn more about each of these organizations that are doing vital work in the Charlottesville community.
Organizations that have applied for grants:
Blue Ridge Abortion Fund, Inc.
Blue Ridge Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM)
Bread & Roses-C’ville
Central Virginia Community Justice
Charlottesville Public Housing Association of Residents
City of Promise
Common Ground Healing Arts, Inc.
Community Investment Collaborative
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville
LilyPads Housing
Living Energy Farm
New Beginnings Christian Community
Partner for Mental Health
ReLeaf Cville
RISE Foundation
Rivanna Conservation Alliance
Sin Barreras / Without Barriers
The BUCK Squad