UUCville’s mission calls us to action and there is an opportunity before us! Name your favorite local organization/group/effort(s) you are involved in that are doing good work in our community. Do you think your friends and fellow congregants would appreciate learning about them and how to support them as well? Could this group benefit from a couple of thousand dollars? Yes? Great! Consider sponsoring them for next year’s Social Action Collection.
The Social Justice Council of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville is excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 UUCville Social Action Collection! The SAC was established as a means to support the local not-for-profit organizations and grass roots efforts that our congregants are passionate about and involved in. We have made significant differences for a huge diversity of people and populations through our generous donations over the years.
There are many ways to get involved. If you work, volunteer, support, are a patron, or just a big fan of a local group or effort working towards creating a more just and loving world in line with our Seven Purposes and Principles, please encourage them to apply. You could serve as an official sponsor (each applicant needs 2), attend the voting at our “pitch night” on May 21 or just spread the word.
Applications for the 2024-2025 SAC are currently being accepted through May 3, 2024. In the past it has typically yielded $2,500-$5,000 in donations which are sent directly to the featured organization for that month.
Any not-for-profit group (they do not have to be an official 501(c)3 organization) can apply for the monthly collection as long as at least two UUCville congregants with an established relationship sponsor and support the organization and its application. Preference is given to organizations that are in the Charlottesville/Blue Ridge area, are in alignment with our mission, and will experience a noticeable impact from this donation.
For more information and to apply, visit: https://forms.gle/BqbmBJLvgHqFLmZFA
The sponsor endorsement form: https://forms.gle/Q8rz18EWhvbEehdm8
How the SAC Selection Process Works:
From March 25 – May 3, UUCville will be accepting applications for their 2024-2025 Social Action Collection. One applicant will be chosen to be the recipient of a special financial collection for each month, July – June. There are nine open months for groups from the Charlottesville area community. (The other three are reserved by the congregation for predetermined organizations.) All eligible applications received by the May 3rd deadline will be posted on the UUCville website for review by congregants from May 7-May 21, 2024. On May 21, there will be a formal meeting of the Social Justice Council at 7 pm EDT via Zoom. Each eligible applicant will have an opportunity to present a 2 minute appeal to the congregants who attend. Following all presentations, group representatives will leave the meeting and remaining UUCville members will vote for the organizations they wish to be recipients for the coming year. Only eligible members in good standing may vote for SAC recipients. The nine groups with the most votes will be selected.
Dates to Remember:
May 3 – Application and Sponsor Endorsement Deadline
May 7 – Applications available on UUCville website for review
May 21, 7 pm – SJ Council “Pitch” Night to vote on 24-25 SAC recipients
For questions or comments, please email Karen Prairie at socialjustice@uucharlottesville.org.
Karen D. Prairie, chair, UUCville Social Justice Council