2022-2023 Social Action Collection Applications Ready for Review

The applications are in and we are excited! UUCville’s monthly Social Action Collection is a vital source of funding for many worthy organizations in our community. But, unfortunately, we can’t fund them all. We need your help deciding which ones to feature in our upcoming fiscal year, June 2022- July 2023.

Click here to see the applications and sponsor endorsements

Every year, UUCville sponsors 12 different non-profit organizations doing great work in our community (one for each month) to receive gifts of money to help them. Three of these organizations, our own Food Pantry, IMPACT, and the Hospital Meal Packets, automatically get assigned one month.

We gather in May each year to vote on the other nine. All UUC members are eligible to vote but anyone is welcome and encouraged to learn more about the organizations. On Sunday, May 22 at 4 pm via Zoom, a representative from each organization will present a 2 minute “pitch” telling us why we should support them and then we’ll vote! The organizations we’ll hear from this year are below.

Join us on Zoom Sunday May 22 at 4pm

Even if you can’t attend, please take a minute to read through these very thoughtful applications and learn more about each of these organizations who are doing vital work in the Charlottesville community.

Match up the groups with their slogans and you could win a prize!

1. African American Teaching Fellows
2. Birth Sisters
3. Blue Ridge Abortion Fund
4. Charlottesville Public Housing Association of Residents
5. New Beginnings Christian Community
7. RISE Foundation
8. Sin Barreras Without Barriers Inc.
9. BUCK Squad
10. Virginia Organizing

A. A pillow for every head.
B. Dismantling the root causes of systemic maternal health disparities for BIPOC.
C. Educating and empowering low-income residents in Charlottesville on the ground with and for the people.
D. Ensuring that each student knows they matter.
E. Envisioning a society where the essential needs of all its members are met, regardless of immigration status, color, social & economic class, or culture of origin.
F. Envisioning a world where everyone receives supportive and compassionate abortion.
G. Food and Kindness for Everyone.
H. Giving voice and hope back to the Black community.
I. Real People. Real Change.
J. Reducing gun violence in our community.

Email your name and answers to socialjustice@uucharlottesville.org and 3 lucky winners will be randomly picked to receive a prize! Open to all congregant members and friends of any age.